Gooood morning! How was your weekend?! On Saturday, I had a massage and my back is SO TIGHT and sore. I’ll be chugging water all week to hopefully flush all this pain away.
Even though this weekend was relatively quiet and filled with downtime, I was struggling with some serious writer’s block. I saw this questionnaire floating around the blog world (thanks Teri and Jen for the inspiration!) and figured this would be a good one for a Monday morning.
What brings you the greatest joy? Winston, traveling and exploring new areas, spending time with family and friends, helping people, and visiting my sweet friend, Joan.
What are your vices? Sweets for sure. Especially dark chocolate and donuts. Ooooh, donuts. I also love a good coffee from a local coffee shop. Heck, even Starbucks…I don’t discriminate.
What is on your nightstand? This lamp, 2 candles, a cup of water, a hair clip, ear plugs, and the TV remote. I also have a couple books that I have been rotating through: You Are a Badass, The Rosie Project, 10% Happier, and for my inner 10 year old, a word search book.
Do you have a secret talent? Ugh, I wish. Whenever they ask these kinds of questions as an icebreaker at the first day of school or in group settings, I never had anything to say. I always end up saying that I am double-jointed and showing them my hyper-flexible joints such as my shoulder, fingers, and knees. I wouldn’t even say these are talents because I am pretty sure in 60 years I am going to be in some pain, haha.
What is your greatest indulgence? Meat/seafood purchases from Whole Foods. Also, eyebrow waxing and the rare times I get my nails done. OH and good coffee.
What should everyone try at least once in their life? I am going to have to agree with Jen and say owning a pet. Also, although this may not be easy for everyone to do, but move to a new city. I moved to Charlotte for both a job and a boyfriend, and at that point in my life I was terrified of change. But I made the scary leap and have not had one regret since. I’ve learned so much about myself as I’ve grown involved into a better person.
What makes you laugh? The real question should be what doesn’t make me laugh. SNL & 30 Rock are the first things that come to mind.
(source) <- WATCH THIS.
What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you? Ahh, this one is hard! As much as I LOVE to travel and was fortunate enough to travel internationally several times throughout my childhood and adolescence, I was terrified of flying up until the end of high school. The terrorist attacks on September 11th absolutely shook me to the core (as it did to everyone) but I had a really hard time with flying and avoided possible trips, even changed my mind about a college I wanted to attend because I would have to fly there, because I would have to fly alone. Thankfully, I am over that now and can fly by myself, but I do have serious anxiety when traveling by plane.
What is on your bucket list? Visit San Francisco, Seattle, and Portland. Take a solo vacation. Visit Australia and Fiji.
Dreamy, right?
What is on your feet right now? I am in sneakers 99% of the time! Right now, I am wearing Nike Frees (similar ones here).
How did you make your first dollar? Oh gosh, I’ve been working for a while…probably babysitting?
What superstition do you believe in? None!
What items in your closet do you wear the most? I am always in workout clothes (perk of the job!), but here are some of my all-time favorites: these Lululemon leggings, this Athleta jacket, and these Zella leggings.
What is the best gift you’ve ever received? My education (thanks Mom and Dad!) and money towards investments.
What is on your liquor shelf? Mostly wine, but I do have a a bottle of tequila and a bottle of gin. For emergencies 😉
What is on your kitchen counter? The Vitamix, electric tea kettle, cutting boards, olive oils, spiralizer, coffee machine, produce, mixing bowls, and jars of dog treats.
What would you never leave home without? Phone, wallet, keys, and shoes, duh.
Question for you: What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
This was so fun to read! I’ve loved reading everyone’s answers. I totally want that Athleta jacket! And now I”m craving coffee. 🙂
Teri || A Foodie Stays Fit recently posted…The Weekender: Favorite Links + Weekend Recap
Always craving coffee 🙂 Thanks for reading, Teri!
Ohh I absolutely love surveys! Might have to steal this one for my blog 🙂 The best gift I’ve gotten was my saxophone in high school. I played in the band and wanted to audition for the Blue Band at Penn State but needed my own instrument. It was expensive but by far the most meaningful and life changing present I’ve ever gotten!
Gretchen recently posted…Seawheeze Half Marathon Training Week 5
That is so cool! I’ve always been so impressed with people who can play an instrument since I never learned how to play one. What a great gift!
I hope your back is feeling better soon, girl!
The best gift I’ve ever received was Chanel, my dog! She was my sixteenth birthday present as I had been asking for my own dog for years and my parents saw her and knew she was the puppy for me! We had a family dog as well at the time but we got her when I was terrified of dogs (my parents thought a dog would fix my fear, haha) and so we never really bonded as much but Chanel is my fur baby!
Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: Marbled Chocolate Peanut Butter Baked Oatmeal (Vegan)
Oh my gosh, how sweet! A dog would be the best present EVER
Joan’s friendship has been a gift to all of us. She adores you and loves you like a granddaughter. xo
Love her <3 and you, woman!
Hi Sara! I hope you don’t mind that your aunt Maria has decided to join in with this fun questionnaire over at my blog.
I am going to check it out today! I have been traveling and just getting back to all of these comments.
Hi Sara! It was fun reading your questionnaire. I hope you don’t mind that your Aunt Maria joined in over at her blog! Have a great day!
Maria Novajosky recently posted…Questions & Answers
Not at all!! Thank you for stopping by 🙂
I love graduation photos. They always look so exciting! 🙂
The best gift I ever received? Wow, I would have to say that realizing God’s grace and mercy has been the best gift I’ve ever realized this year. And another gift that I really appreciate is my family. My family is such a blessing in my life.
Those are amazing gifts!
I love this survey! I may have to do this one in the future:) I’m also obsessed with donuts! Hmm the best gift ever.. the first thing that comes to mind is a puppy when I was in 8th grade! Dogs make me so so happy haha.
Um yes. Getting a puppy would be the best gift EVER, hands down!
I enjoy creeping on your life (that’s not creepy at all), but most of all I love YOU. You forgot to include jalapeno margaritas, but I’ll forgive you 😉 Which reminds me, CABO SOON PLEASE. The food, not the place (I wish).
Peace, love, and snapchat,
I love YOU girl! Cabo ASAP! #quesoplease
Sara, delighted to read your comments about education. Your 3 cities for travel are in my top 10 so hope you can get there soon;-)
And since your brother works there, you need to have Sagamore Rye on the spirits shelf.
Family trip to one of those cities soon??