Happy Tuesday, people! How was the weekend? My birthday is tomorrow, but my friends and I celebrated by hitting the town Saturday night. ALSO, I got the most amazing 1 1/2 hour massage of my life.
I am not even kidding when I say I was on CLOUD 9 when I left. I was so mellowed out and calm that when I came out to my car to find it booted because I apparently parked in the wrong lot, I didn’t even care one bit. I was so happy and relaxed after, I felt no pain as I paid the $85 fee. Anyways, onto the fun stuff!
Today, I’m here to chat about something that is becoming more and more popular with the ever-growing online world and something you may have seen across fitness blogs: online personal training. While there are a couple differences from working with a trainer in person and online, I’m here to talk about the benefits of having a trainer online.
Accountability…it’s still there.
Some may find it hard to believe that working with a trainer that you do not meet with face-to-face and is not physically there with you can provide accountability. Yes, the trainer can. Just like any normal in-person training session, the trainer is there to motivate, encourage, inspire, and push the client in addition to creating a specific plan for that client. The ways that the trainer provides the client accountability happens in a few different ways: emails, check-ins on a Facebook group, video calls, and/or texts. People these days are constantly on their phones so communication between client and trainer is strong.
The workouts are on YOUR time.
Not only do in-person training sessions have to work for the trainer’s schedule, but the client’s schedule as well. But with online training, the client does not have to worry about someone else’s time, only their own. Since the client is not working with a trainer face-to-face, the workouts have already been created in advanced for them, which is a huge perk and one of the main things clients are paying online trainers for. The workouts are already given to the client so they know what to do in advance and can schedule it on their own time. If finding the time do the workouts is an issue, that is something the trainer can work with the client during their check-ins.
No gym? No problem.
When working with a trainer online, it is his or her job to create an entire plan based on your goals and history, but that also has to include what kind of equipment you have access to. If a gym membership is not something the client has or is not interested in getting, the trainer will create a bodyweight-focused plan. If the client has access to a gym but travels frequently, the trainer can incorporate both gym workouts and bodyweight workouts into the client’s plan. Flexibility is another huge plus with working with a trainer online.
More regular access to your trainer.
While not all personal trainers do this, but what I’ve seen a lot is the client and trainer usually chat and catch up during the sessions with a couple check-in meetings thrown in within the training period and that is it. Unless the trainer is still consistently checking in with their client via emails or texts throughout the week, there is not much room for growth and motivation for the client to keep on track with their healthy habits (excluding exercise) when outside of their schedule sessions.
With online training, the clients must check in with their trainer after each workout and have weekly touch points with their trainer. Clients have constant access to their trainer, whether it’s their trainer’s blog or website, email, or telephone.
Now for the exciting news!
I am launching my online training program and will begin accepting new clients! If you are interested in working with me, I’d be THRILLED to help you reach your health and fitness goals. Please provide your email in the comments section and I will get back to you within 24 hours.
To those who provide their email this week, they will receive a FREE consultation with me. This amazing offer will end on Sunday, August 28, so be sure to leave your email below so we can get started to reaching your goals! You can also email me at oatsandrows AT gmail .com if you do not wish to provide your email below.
I cannot wait to work with you!
Emailing you asap! 🙂