Yes, I realize that it is not actually October currently, BUT I did want to share the ins and outs of my October. This past month was a long one, yet went by in a flash. I swear, as I get older, the time just keeps passing more quickly. Why?!
Anyways, onto the good stuff!
Current book: While I haven’t made much of a dent on The Girl on the Train, I plan on reading Salt, Sugar, Fat by Michael Moss after I finish TGOTT.
Current food: Spaghetti squash!
Spaghetti squash is my all-time favorite thing to make during the cooler months. It’s versatile, easy to make, and tastes excellent as leftovers. I’ve just been cooking mine with olive oil, salt and pepper, and topping with sauce and a protein, but I’ve had my eyes set on some of Juli’s spaghetti squash bakes. Like how amazing does this one look?
Current obsession: My new 2017 planner!
I’ve been obsessed with color-coding everything from workout classes, to work meetings, to next year’s trips – I just LOVE filling in a fresh, new calendar. I got this one in Large and it’s the perfect size planner to be able to throw in your purse but also have a bigger calendar feel. Great quality for $25!
Current bane of existence: Nothing at the moment!
Current laugh: These Instagram screenshots.
Current workout: All things Hilliard!
I’ve been taking barre classes at Hilliard Studio Method and the megaformer classes at HSM Core each week. I’ve always loved the kickass, sweaty workouts from Hilliard, but I’ve recently become addicted to the classes at HSM Core.
Current Excitement: My parents bought a house in Florida! They are on their way down from Maryland for the closing and will be there for 2 weeks. This is something they have wanted to do for probably 10 years now and it’s finally happening for them. I’m so happy that all of their hard work over the years has paid off and one of their dreams is coming true.
Current Need: This is random, but I really need to get my car washed and cleaned out. It has seen better days.
Current Craving: ARCTIC ZERO!
If you follow me on Snapchat and/or Instagram, you saw that Arctic Zero HOOKED.ME.UP with some of their newest pints! I’m a huge fan of their Cookie Shake flavor and just about flew out of my seat when I got an email from them offering to send me some of their new flavors to try. I am reeeeeally trying to exercise control with them, but so far all of them are DELICIOUS. So far, I’ve been loving the banana pudding one.
Current drink: Homemade cold brew coffee!
This past month, I’ve been really trying to not go to Starbucks as often. I’ve been spending a lot more money there (thanks to mobile ordering!) and once I dusted off the ol’ Toddy, I figured that I need to save a little money and put it to use. The Toddy is a great investment for making cold brew at home.
Current guilty pleasure: Alter Eco Dark Chocolate with Orange.
Current non-guilty pleasure(s): Nightly bowls of Arctic Zero (because…why not?!) and signing up for a photography class!
The class is through Skillpop and is geared towards using a DSLR camera better. Learning how to use my camera has been on my to-do list for a long time now, so I figured why wait any longer?
Current confession: I am a grinch when it comes to Halloween. I want to love it so badly, but I often find my stressed out each year trying to figure out a costume, figuring out how to not spend all of my money on a costume, figuring out Halloween plans….I could keep going. This year, I worked until 8pm and then had wine at a friend’s house. Halloween weekend was spent lounging. No shame.
Current mood: Happy, but soooo sleepy all the time. I need the weekend!
Your turn-
Have you tried Arctic Zero? What is your favorite flavor?
What has been your go-to form of exercise recently?
Do you have your 2017 planner yet? What type of planner do you use?
Current confession??
Hahah that last meme.. I love that video! I’m the same way when it comes to planners- I love them and it makes me weirdly way too excited when I get a new one. I have the Erin Condren planner right now and I like it, but I don’t think I would spend that much on one again (close to $50!). I’ve looked into the Plum Planners a bit and may go with one of those for next year:)
I’ve never heard of Plum planners. I’ll have to check it out!
I need to try the new Arctic Zero flavors. Sometimes the stuff really fills my craving for something sweet.
That’s so cool you’re taking a photography class, that sounds like a lot of fun! A nice camera is on my dream list 😀
I caved a while back and purchased one, just gotta figure out how to use it! 🙂