Aaaahhh, it’s finally the weekend. This week was a short work week for me and while it flew by, I am wiped out. But onto more fun things to talk about: I am super excited to kick off this Friday with the return of Friday favorites!
I am restructuring my content calendar and changing up some of the posts I plan on including on the blog. My monthly “currently” posts just haven’t been happening and I love reading people’s Fridays faves posts, so I’m bringing it back.
I hope you all have some fun plans this weekend. I’ve been traveling so much over the past month that I am excited to have NOTHING on the agenda besides going to MADabolic. So, cue the drum roll are this week’s favorites:
Kindle Paperwhite
I will always love having a book in my hand and turning the pages, but this Kindle Paperwhite has been so great! I own a ton of books and am running out of storage space in my apartment, so a Kindle has been on my list for a little while. Right now, I am reading Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. I loved her books, Sharp Objects and Gone Girl, so I am giving it a whirl. So far, it has an interesting story line and is super creepy (to be expected). Sharper Objects was way more twisted than Gone Girl, and I am starting to think Dark Places is going to be on the same level of creepy as Sharp Objects.
Meeting Teri in person (finally!)
This truly has been a long time coming! I first started reading Teri’s blog back when I moved to Charlotte and she was living in the area. I instantly connected to her style of writing and authenticity. We also have similar interests (dogs, fitness, healthy living…DOGS) so it didn’t take long for us to become “internet friends.”
On Monday when I was driving home from Maryland, I stopped in Winston-Salem to finally meet in person and do some blog and Beautycounter work. Maizey and Winston became fast friends and it was so cute to see them rolling around all over each other and exchanging millions of kisses (this was really Maizey’s doing haha).
I hope Teri will have us back up to Winston-Salem even after the embarrassing amount of times he peed and pooped in her apartment. (insert fuming angry emoji)
Sunflour Trail Mix Truffles
I got these a couple of these Trail Mix truffles for my roommate as a little promotion celebratory treat. They are from Sunflour Baking Company and they were TO. DIE. FOR. They were super chewy, almost like a caramel/date texture, with hints of chocolate and nuts. I sadly haven’t seen them since, but I hope they become a regular menu option.
Tour of Sagamore Spirits
Two weekends ago when I was in West Virginia for my grandpa’s birthday, I spent the majority of Sunday in Baltimore with my brother and parents since my flight was late that night. Our first stop was a tour of Sagamore Spirits.
My brother and uncle work here, and the majority of my family has been to Sagamore several times, so I was super excited to finally go on a tour, see where my family is so heavily involved in, and learn more about whiskey!
I was so impressed with the facility and the staff. Going into the tour, I didn’t know much whiskey, rye, and bourbons. But after the tour, I walked away learning so much more than I anticipated, especially about Maryland and Baltimore history as well as the distilling process.
A cool part of the tour was seeing where the barrels are emptied and the whiskey is filtered and bottled. Tours are encouraged to label their own bottle to either purchase for themselves or have it delivered to a store. My dad bought my bottle!
I am 100% obsessed with Stasherbags. They are the environmentally-friendly swap for Ziploc bags. They come in two sizes and a variety of colors and I use them for EVERYTHING. I store bars in there (I brought these to WV with me the other weekend!), half of an avocado, snacks, etc. The thing I love the most is that you can put them in the dishwasher!
Your turn!
What is something you have been loving this week?
Do you prefer an e-reader or a book?
Any whiskey fans out there? If not, what liquor do you prefer? (I’m a tequila gal through and through)
Bloggers- meet any of your “internet friends” in person?
I love my kindle paper white. I actually prefer the size and shape of my old kindle, but it went bezerk, so I had to get a new one!
I would have loved that tour (obviously more so if I could actually partake). I find liquor and spirits fascinating!
I love all of Gillian Flynn’s books! So so so good. She’s the author who got me hooked on thriller/suspenseful novels and I can’t stop reading them now haha. And I have to check out those bags! I feel like I run out of ziploc bags so quick and I hate just using them once or twice before throwing them away. Have a good weekend!!
Any other thrillers you recommend??
Oh gosh so many! Haha. The Marsh King’s Daughter was super good! I’ve also loved The Drowning Girls by Paula DeBoard, Find Her by Lisa Gardener, and any books by Paula Hawkins, Ruth Ware, Karin Slaughter, etc. ok sorry that was long:) hahah
OMG adding these to my list asap – thank you!!
Yay for blogger meet ups! And of course everything at Sunflour is amazing!
I love my kindle, but am partial to paper book and like to have a print copy of any books I really love.