Whew! Where has the week gone?? I feel like the weeks keep going by faster and faster and I can’t keep up. I really haven’t been meaning to disappear from the blog. Combine writer’s block with pure exhaustion from work and spending time with friends and I’m lucky if I turn my computer on. Since it’s been a minute, I thought it would be a good day to do a little thinking out loud.
I spent the long Easter weekend in the North Carolina mountains. My friend, Lauren, invited me to her parents place near Western Carolina. Every morning was slow and peaceful and filled with the best breakfasts.
We spent a lot of time outdoors – either lounging on their porch or out on a hike. Lauren has a Frenchie too, and it was so fun (as always) to see them together!
Winston was rarely on a lease and he was on cloud 9. He ran through the trails like a nut job. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so in his element.
I’m almost embarrassed to say this, but I went to bed first every single night. The past few weeks at work have been insane and this weekend came at the perfect time to rest mentally and physically. My body was yelling at me to slow down and sleep! I can’t wait to go back to the mountains.
I am so grossed out by the new Starbucks unicorn frappuccinos. Nothing about the artificial flavors and colorings and sugar is appealing.
I will admit though that the colors are pretty. If I was into frappuccinos, I’d instagram them too ha!
Speaking of trendy beverages, I still am hesitant about the whole oil-and-butter-in-my-coffee thing. My morning coffee is so sacred, I can’t imagine adding that many things into it, especially oils, butters, and powders. Just give me a coffee or espresso with almond milk and I’m goooooood.
I’m really trying to hone in a little more on my fitness career path and get a few more certifications/trainings. I’ve been thinking about doing some advanced TRX ones (I’ve already done the suspension training one) and getting the next level of my Pilates certification. Right now, I’m not using either as much as I used to, so I am holding off.
I recently saw this planner at Anthropologie and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. It has my name written all over it. It’s open-dated and has plenty of room for notes.
It’s the perfect mix of a calendar, bullet journal, and life organizer. I’ve never used an open-dated calendar though. Thoughts?
Well, I’m off to teach then get my nails done before heading into work. Have a great day!
Your turn!
Have you used an open-dated calendar?
Have you tried the Starbucks unicorn frappuccino? Bulletproof coffee? Thoughts?
How do you take your coffee?
What do you have planned for the weekend?
1) Is it weird that I teared up seeing the pictures of Winston and Gigi in the mountains???
2) We should go back ASAP
4) I’m all about dat black coffee too.
Okay Winston’s little smile is the cutest thing!! Ahh I want a dog so bad haha. I also am pretty turned off by the unicorn frap too. The amount of sugar in those things.. yikes! Have a great Thursday!!