Honestly, I don’t even know where to begin! I took a very long break from blogging – much longer than anticipated. I think my last “real” post was from March 2018? Holy moley. It’s crazy how the time flies, but a lot has happened! Let me fill you in.
My pause on blogging actually wasn’t intentional. My computer crashed which naturally put a pause on everything. But shortly after, I realized that I was needing a little bit of a break and hadn’t let myself accept that yet. Work was super stressful at the time and with other things going on, I thought “huh, this is actually kind of nice to come home from a long day of work and not jump back on to the computer. I think I needed this!” Even when I got a new computer, the spark and drive to get back to blogging wasn’t there and I just rolled with it.
Between March 2018ish and now, a good amount has happened. I moved to a new, great position with my company, I traveled a TON, moved (twice?!), and so much more. So instead of doing a wildly long recap, I thought I’d use this post to introduce myself if you are new. If you are still around somehow, THANK YOU!

I am a Charlotte, NC gal temporarily living in the Tampa, Florida area. Thanks to COVID, a lease ending, and my roommate bailing on our new one, it made sense to make the move down here to stay at my parents’ house until I am able to go back to work. So while my life and job is based in NC, I am living the Florida life for now!

My full-time job is managing a corporate fitness center and I love it! This fitness industry has been thrown curveball after curveball due to the pandemic but I am so grateful to still be working. While I do miss being onsite, I have enjoyed working from home and helping our company improve our virtual services side of the business.

When it comes to my niche in the fitness industry, I like to think I am pretty well-rounded. I love being client-facing, yet I love the work done behind the scenes. I love teaching group exercises classes, personal training, health coaching, and everything involving the business/entrepreneurial side. I love working with beginners and helping them find their confidence in their health journey. I love creating really challenging workouts. I can’t commit to just one area I love. You should expect to see a various types of fitness posts here on Oats & Rows.

In addition to fitness, I love cooking, sharing recipes & new food finds, tips and more. I’m warning you now – food is one of my favorite things to post about

You can also expect to see lifestyle, beauty, and other posts on Oats & Rows too. Having this creative outlet is something I’ve really missed!