Ahhhhh, the weekend is here! And a long one at that. I am spending the majority of the weekend in Virginia Beach to celebrate my grandpa’s 90th with my dad’s extended family. I also have family on my mom’s side there so it’ll great to see loved ones from both sides. I am excited to introduce a little Wellness Series for this month in lieu of Friday Favorites! I will be sharing a few wellness-related round-ups on Fridays for the rest of the month. Today, I am sharing some feel good accounts you should follow on Instagram.
Social Media. Where do I even begin with it? It’s such a great tool that allows us to connect with so many like-minded people, build businesses, and stay in touch with family and friends. However, it can be really dangerous for mental health in general. Social media is meant to be consumed, so while it’s tempting to follow certain people based on their huge fan base or their “healthy lifestyle”, it truly is everyone’s highlight reel. Each picture is so curated that it’s easy to start feeling down about your own life when you fall into the comparison trap that social media so easily sets up for us.
I think it’s super important for overall health (like, hi..health ain’t all about fitness and nutrition) to fill your social media with people who lift you up, inspire you, are judgment-free and are REAL with their followers. The following lovely ladies are ones that do just those things for me. I highly encourage you to follow them as well!
Megan, @meganjbruneau
Megan is a psychotherapist, podcaster, writer, and speaker. I first heard of Megan through Davida’s podcast, That’s So Maven…which, by the way, is probably my favorite episode of any podcast I’ve ever listened to so click the link if you are interested in listening. They talk about how much damage the wellness industry is causing, the privilege of the wellness industry, and health at every size. Megan gets fired up about these topics, as do I, so I think that’s why I loved it so much. I was just like, “YES. SHE IS SO SPOT ON.”
Rebecca, @rebeccascritchfield
Rebecca is a dietitian and the author of the super popular book, Body Kindness. As her bio says, she helps people love their bodies, not shame them. I love filling my feed with her posts of food freedom, body positivity, and body kindness.
Brittany, @ahealthyslice
Brittany is a fellow Charlottean, mom, health coach, and blogger. While we are at way different points in our lives (I’m single, no kids), I love following along as she homeschools her adorable little girls, makes delicious recipes, and shares her life lessons through marriage and family matters. She is always SO positive, open, and reassures with her readers that life isn’t perfect.
Les, @balancedberry
Les is a Seattle-based personal trainer, blogger, and health enthusiast. I love following along because of her killer workouts, delicious recipes, and her humor in general. She definitely keeps it very real which I love too!
Erin, @erinsinsidejob

Erin is a fellow dog and donut enthusiast, healthy living blogger, and personal trainer. She is also a recovering addict which she shares about frequently and how it has shaped her today. I find Erin to be incredibly wise, so one of the main reasons I follow her is to learn – not just about other topics but about myself. I highly recommend following her blog, Erin’s Inside Job, to soak up her wisdom. 🙂
Sarah, @yesandyesblog
I found Sarah’s IG by following her blog for a couple years. On her blog, she shares a ton of knowledge on happiness, money, business, and life. Some of her most popular blog posts are about finding happiness and yourself as an adult and financial health. Her Instagram is a great snapshot of her blog.
I frequently reshare her blog posts on my Weekender series if you are interested in reading more of her posts.
Caroline, @thefuckitdiet
As someone who is anti-diets, I immediately followed Caroline when I saw her handle. Her IG feed is filled to the brim with inspirational quotes focused on living a healthy life not based around food or your size. Need I say more?
Emily, @emilyschuman
Emily is a jack of all trades – mom, blogger, and businesswoman. For someone who comes off as “having it all together” she definitely is not afraid to share her daily struggles on her Instagram stories. She regularly shares with her readers her bouts with fitness, all things parenting, and other life struggles everyone deals with. Emily is just super relatable, even though on paper we might have nothing in common.
Georgie, @init4thelongrunblog
Georgie is a blogger, podcaster, and photographer living on Nantucket. She is an intuitive eating advocate and an incredibly positive influence and it totally shines through her blog and Instagram.
Maria, @runningmyselftogether
Maria is a fellow Charlottean, blogger, and running enthusiast who shares a ton about her experiences with anxiety/depression, body image, running, and her strong faith. As someone who struggles with crippling anxiety and bouts of depression, I find Maria so inspiring and a breath of fresh air.
Your turn –
Who do you follow on IG that inspires you? What is it about that person that makes you feel better?
Have you ever done a social media cleanse or break?
Comment below!
Thank you SO much for including me in this round-up Sara! All of these ladies are amazing to follow along with. I do agree that from time to time, social media cleanses can be very necessary for overall mental clarity. But when I am on the ‘gram, I definitely love following real, down-to-earth people.
I love this new series! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by!