Well hey there! I’m sure I am not the only one, but today was a struggle. After a long weekend (an eventful weekend at that), it is never fun to head back to work and back to the routine. The majority of the weekend was spent outside which was GLORIOUS. It was just what I (and my skin .. 😉 ) needed.
Friday night consisted of working late and a good book until I passed out, which allowed me to rest for Saturday’s festivities. I woke up early for a hot yoga class at Yoga One. I love going to this studio. I’ve enjoyed all of the instructors and they are all so hands on. If you haven’t been to Yoga One, the studio rooms are enormous and get really good turnouts for all of the class times I’ve been to at least. It is nice to know that even though you are in a class with a ton of other people, the instructor still helps correct you at least once during your practice.
After yoga, a group of us went to the U.S. Whitewater Center for some kayaking and swimming.
I even brought Winston to see how he would do in the kayak and to test out his new life jacket!
Winston was making the WEIRDEST faces in the car and it was the funniest thing ever, hence Meig and I dying of laughter.
The verdict? His face says it all. He loved swimming!
After the whitewater center, it was time for Amanda and Canaan’s wedding! A bunch of us met up at one of our friend’s apartments to have a drink and mingle before. She happened to live less than a mile from the venue, so it was perfect! The wedding was at the Palmer building, an old firehouse-turned-venue in the Elizabeth neighborhood.
Oh. and guess who caught the bouquet? Yours truly.
Sunday morning, we woke up and headed to Boone to go tubing down the New River. There were about 15 people in the group, and we all attached our floats together, packed a couple coolers, and floated for 6.5 hours. It was a long time, but so nice to just relax on the water, drink, and get some sun. I was able to bring Winston which was great!
As you can see, he loves catching some rays like his mama.
After a long day on the river, I decided to drive back to Charlotte. At the time, I thought I was going whitewater rafting in the morning, so I wanted to be back for that instead of waking up even earlier to drive back, but that plan changed last minute. No complaints though- nothing like sleeping in your own bed! And this guy right here was pooped:
On Monday morning, my friend Jennifer and I went out to breakfast at the Terrace Cafe. I went with blueberry pancakes and fresh fruit. You can never go wrong with blueberry pancakes. Never ever.
After, we hit up Barnes and Noble to browse the aisles for some summer reads. We both love books, so we had no problem wandering aimlessly and we picked up some new poolside reads. The rest of the day consisted of errands and rest and ended with dinner at Jennifer’s apartment. I didn’t plan on eating with her, but when she offered some of the dinner she made that had a ton of leftovers, I couldn’t resist.
This weekend was filled with friends, nature, food, booze, and relaxation.
Now tell me about yours! 🙂
I need a weekend like this! It sounds like you did quite a bit, but it sounds like you had a great weekend!!!—Hold up I’m having a vision–I SEE A MUCH NEEDED VACATION FOR BRITTANY IN THE NEAR FUTURE!! LOL 🙂
I see one in your very near future too, haha!!