Not to toot my own horn, but this was the boot camp heard around the world.
And by the world, I mean around work.
I used this workout the other week in one of my Boot Camp classes, and for the rest of the week I heard comments such as “I heard you killed everyone in that class the other day!” or “I heard that was a brutal one!”. I did a little happy dance in my head.
Now, it isn’t always my goal to “annihilate” my class participants, but I offer modifications to make it harder and easier 100% of the time. As long as my participants are moving HOW they want to move based on their fitness level and with correct form, that’s all I care about.
This particular class I had consisted of regulars who come to get their asses kicked. I know their limits and they come wanting to leave crawling out of the room. Still though, I offered a wide variety of modifications- they just got to choose which modifications they wanted to work with. Sooooo, not my fault right? 😉
Here’s the deal:
Format -> The format for this workout is on the minute. For each block, we did 6 minutes (aka 6 rounds). During the first minute, you complete 1 round of the exercises. The faster you do them, the more rest time you have in that minute. Once the second minute comes around, you start the exercises over from the beginning. For example, if it takes you 30 seconds to do it, you have 30 seconds of rest. If it takes you 50 seconds to do it, you have 10 seconds of rest.
The exercises ->
Box Jump Burpees
Modifications- 1) No Push-up, Just plank 2) Instead of bringing your hands all the way to the ground, place hands on step 3) Step up onto the bench instead of jumping
Knee Tuck Burpees
Modifications- 1) No Push-up, just plank 2) Replace knee tuck with 2 sets of high knees
To make harder, lift a leg up!
Frogger Burpee (to make this a burpee, when feet are at hands, power through your legs to jump up)
Modifications- Bring 1 foot to hand and back to starting position, then repeat on other side
Candlestick Burpees – inspired by Taylor!
Modifications- break it up into just reverse crunches and just pushups
Decline Push-Ups
Modifications- 1) Lift a leg to make harder 2) Complete regular push-ups
Straddle Jumps on + off box
Modification- step on and off box instead of jumping
If you try it, make modifications and changes as needed. If you try it, let me know how it goes!
Questions: Do you add in boot camp workouts into your fitness routine? Why or why not? What’s your favorite way to work out? What workout are you doing today??
Love all the burpee variations! I am the same way in teaching classes, where I love when that are pooped and feeling sore the next day. ( I have a group of regulars who love that). But I am sure to not do this ALL the time so the workouts are different and your body is challenged in different ways every week!
I’m definitely going to use this one in my HIIT class!
congrats on being badass of the week at work! Its always a good feeling to know you’ve put people to work – and that they liked it! [well, as much as one can like burpees] And knee tuck burpees? Excuse me while I vomit. Knee tucks ALONE are tough!
Kat recently posted…Thinking Out Loud #56
Knee tuck burpees are definitely one of the worst! Have a great day! 🙂
Damn girl. I can do like one burpee then I’m done haha. I love bootcamp classes because they keep me so entertained… but I totally fall off the wagon when I’m training for a race. Can’t wait to get back to it 🙂
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