Hello helloooo! How was your weekend?? Mine was super low-key, as they have been that way a lot recently- no complaints! I had class all day Saturday and Sunday, watched my friend’s dogs, and caught up with a girlfriend over wine and dessert.
This post is coming slightly out of left field, even though I may have mentioned it for a hot second on the blog, but I have officially started Whole30. I’d thought I’d share my desire to do Whole30 and what I’ve done to prep!
What is Whole30?
Well, instead of me diving into the details of it, here’s a link to what it’s all about! Pretty much, over the span of 30 days, you eat no processed, whole foods. It is a clear cut of sugar, wheat, legumes, and alcohol, allowing your body to heal, ween off of sugar, and feel better. This is the book I’ve been using to help prepare me.
Why am I doing it?
- Cut back on my sugar intake
- Get my digestion back on track
- I bloat easily, so I am seeing if Whole30 helps
- Just feel better overall
Grocery Prep:
I definitely spent more than I would have liked (I’m looking at you, Whole Foods) but I figured I’d rather be over-prepared than not prepared enough thinking that could be a discouraging factor from succeeding in the Whole30 program.
Here are some meal/snacks I have planned for the upcoming weeks:
- Taco shrimp lettuce wraps
- Grass fed burgers
- Wild salmon
- Eggs
- Bacon
- Coconut flour
- Lara bars
- Almonds and cashews
- Kale, spinach, cruciferous crunch from TJs
- Plantain chips & guacamole
- Dried mango and apples
- Fruits/veggies- raspberries, oranges, apples, bananas, squash, mushrooms, pineapple, snap peas, tomatoes
- Kombucha
I’m still doing research and recipe searching as I go, but I will definitely be documenting this on the blog. While I am looking forward to seeing how I feel after the 30 days, I cannot wait to be reunited with some of my favs: hummus, oatmeal, and red wine 🙂
Questions: Have you ever done Whole30? What are you prepping for this week? What did you do this weekend??
Kristy @ Southern In Law says
November 10, 2015 at 3:01 AMI’ve never done the Whole 30, however, it looks like you are in for a seriously delish week of eats with all that prepping!
Kristy @ Southern In Law recently posted…Travel: Travelling to Norfolk Island
oatsandrows says
November 12, 2015 at 10:33 PMThe food has been sooo good! 🙂
Gwen @ Nutty G Fitness says
November 10, 2015 at 6:17 AMGoodluck!! I did the Whole30 last February and it completely changed that way I eat now. Let me know if you need some inspiration for meals!
Gwen @ Nutty G Fitness recently posted…Move it Monday #7
oatsandrows says
November 12, 2015 at 10:33 PMThanks, girl!
Julia@yogawinehappiness.com says
November 11, 2015 at 6:50 AMI can’t wait to see how you like it! I am hoping to follow Whole 30 after I have my baby!
Julia@yogawinehappiness.com recently posted…Pregnancy Week 28 Updates
oatsandrows says
November 12, 2015 at 10:32 PMI can’t wait to fill y’all in!
Shae @ Finance&Fitness says
November 12, 2015 at 1:07 PMI have never done the Whole 30 but I am definitely interested to follow along with your journey! So far it looks like a pretty delicious menu 🙂
Shae @ Finance&Fitness recently posted…Vegetarian Enchiladas
oatsandrows says
November 12, 2015 at 10:32 PMThe eats are sooo good 🙂
Haley says
November 12, 2015 at 3:10 PMGood luck! I’ve always wanted to try Whole 30 but I haven’t been brave enough quite yet.
Haley recently posted…More Recent Eats
oatsandrows says
November 12, 2015 at 10:31 PMThank you! I was scared for a while but just took the plunge!
Beverley @ sweaty&fit says
November 17, 2015 at 11:50 AMhaha nevermind, found it!