Hi friends, hope you all had the happiest of weekends. Today has been pretty uneventful, and so was Friday, so here are some photos from Saturday:
Morning snuggles with my main man. He could snuggle all day, so it makes getting out of bed so hard!
Morning fuel = Iced dirty chai. I managed to drive away and realized there was no espresso in it, though. So depressing.
Lunch at Sunflour, no surprise there. Iced soy coffee with the Black Friday sandwich. Turkey, brie, and cranberry apple chutney on sourdough
Wine for any occasion.
Love this little guy!
Dinner= greens, strawberries, goat cheese, pine nuts, chicken, and poppy seed dressing!
Day ended with wine, Winston, and Netflix. Not sure if there’s much better!
Questions: How was your Saturday? Do anything fun? What was the best part of your Saturday??