Hi everyone! I am linking up today with Amanda for my first Thinking Out Loud post. If you haven’t heard of it, check out her post on what it’s all about!
1) Have you seen that Whole Foods has a coupon app?
Has anyone used this? I am intrigued. I first heard about this app yesterday on Brittany’s snapchat. I wonder how good these really deals are though…
2) The other night, my friends are I were talking about the new Barbies that recently came out.
I am not really sure how I feel about them yet. I do think that it is great that they are creating a product for young girls that depicts true body image and that each woman is different and still beautiful. But, honestly, it doesn’t really matter what I think. I am not the ones playing with them; it’s the young girls in the world playing with them and affecting their views on their body image and body image all together.
This Buzzfeed video asks young kids about the new Barbies:
How do you feel about the new Barbies?
3) I am moving in May and have been looking at houses/apartments. While I am so excited to be moving (mold on my belongings is NOT fun), moving is one of the things that stresses me out the most. I already want to be getting boxes and packing things I don’t need just to save me a headache later. I know, I know, I am getting ahead of myself.
4) How cute is this diaper cake my two friends made for our other friend who recently had a baby??
I’ve been researching for another baby shower I am planning and I need to take some serious notes from my friends. I know Pinterest is probably the best option to get ideas for themes/crafts, but I am still looking around. There is SO much baby stuff out there! It’s nuts..
5) Whole30 is coming up!
I’ve decided to give Whole30 another go starting Sunday. I felt great when I started eating based on its guidelines and want to finish all the way through. My digestion has been off recently, I’ve been sluggish and tired (lack of sleep doesn’t help either..), and I just want to feel better overall. I recently read Jen’s recap but have been looking to read others.
6) I’ve got my eyes on the weekend!
Studying, rest, a workout maybe, and a manicure..hopefully (these talons need to be tamed!).
What are you thinking about today?
What’s on the agenda for the weekend?
What do you think about the new Barbies?
Any other websites I should look at for party planning/theme ideas?
I actually use the WF app (not sure if it’s the same one as the Philly region) and it’s awesome. Honestly I highly recommend it.
As a Panthers fan, I completely love the diaper cake.
I’m so sad the Panthers lost! I definitely am going to try the WF app
Honestly, the Barbie thing is kind of whatever to me. While I get the concept, I think it’s a little ridiculous that people make suuuch a big deal over how a TOY looks. I mean, people are buying kids pink French fries wearing sunglasses. My son literally just got a purple and neon green dump truck. Neither of those are realistic, nor am I going to McDonalds wondering why they fries don’t have glasses. Granted, I’ve never had an eating disorder, so I can’t speak from that perspective, but I think there are a LOT more factors to what could affect a young girl’s body image than a toy.
I totally agree with you! While I am all for promoting positive body image, at the same time it’s like…when have other dolls or action figures that a lot of young boys “look up to” actually looked like a real humans? haha
I don’t blame you for wanting to get a little bit ahead on your packing. I helped my parents move in the fall and it was seriously one of the most stressful things ever. And I honestly have no idea how I feel about the new Barbies… I never played with them growing up so I don’t really have any sort of attachment to the classic Barbie. It’s nice to see them trying to do something positive for body image, though.
Thanks for linking up this week!
Same here! I don’t have any sort of attachment but anything to improve body image? I do find it almost annoying though how people make such a big stink about it, but in reality, when has any doll/action figure looked like an actual human? haha
Thanks for hosting! Looking forward to linking up next week!
I don’t know how I feel about the new barbies! In some ways I feel like it’s putting more pressure on little girls to realise there are different body types and different perceptions. I don’t know about you, but I can’t remember looking at any body shape differently when I was little! Barbies was also only just dolls to me – not something I idolised or wanted to be – just a way for me to make up stories and play with. I think the more the media focuses on body image, the more people become aware of it!
That diaper cake is too cute! I loveeeeeeee party planning. My biggest tip is, rather than looking at pinterest (and being overwhelmed with ALL THE IDEAS!); come up with a theme and then kind of dissect it into little pieces. Say for instance you’re planning a barnyard themed shower – you pick apart the colours, the animals, the decor pieces and then build it from there.
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I completely agree with you about Barbies- I guess back then body image wasn’t as big of a topic? I know I didn’t think anything of the way Barbie looked and how different she looked than me when I was little.
Thank you so much for the planning tips! It has been such a struggle with seeing all of the cool ideas. The shower is Friday, so it really is crunch time!
I think that it is great that Barbie is growing with the world, I just hope that they continue to have a bit of the glamour–isn’t that part of the fun? We are moving as well in May, and I can’t WAIT. I’ve been trying not to look too much–I still don’t have a job after all.
Good luck with the house hunt!!