Have you ever tried on leggings and LOVED them, but it “didn’t fit to your size” according to some sales clerk, the brand, or a friend? Have you ever received comments from a relative or spouse about how you look, at first seem out of a place of “concern” or love, but in the end, really
Thinking Out Loud: Vegas, Time Management, and Half Marathon Training
Hi there! It has been a while since we’ve chatted. Every single obligation that I’ve had recently has become an excuse to not blog, sleep less, and just not get things done that I want to get done. Honestly, I had no plan for today’s post, but I want to get the ball rolling again
Friday Favorites! 7/29
Happy Friday! I am especially excited since I am currently posted at the Charlotte airport heading to LAS VEGAS! It is my best friend, Vicki’s, bachelorette party and I. CANNOT. WAIT. It’s been 4 years since I was last in Vegas and over a year ago since I was out west AND I get
17 Getting to Know Me Things
Gooood morning! How was your weekend?! On Saturday, I had a massage and my back is SO TIGHT and sore. I’ll be chugging water all week to hopefully flush all this pain away. Even though this weekend was relatively quiet and filled with downtime, I was struggling with some serious writer’s block. I saw this
Currently: June
Hey hey! I hope you all are feeling nice and refreshed after the weekend. I stayed up well past my bedtime both nights this weekend and was pretty lazy during the days, but after grocery shopping, meal prep, and blog work yesterday, I am in the right mindset and ready to take on whatever the