Happy Thursday! How is your day going? My mom has been in town since Tuesday morning and we have been on-the-go nonstop since her arrival!
Now that we are well into October (how did that happen?), it’s time for another Currently survey.
Current (Guilty/Non-Guilty) Pleasure: Grocery shopping at Whole Foods
I really don’t like to do most of my grocery shopping at WF (well.. and I don’t think I ever will) but I have been buying a few more items from there than I normally do, like meat, frozen fruits, seafood, bulk bin items, etc. Even though I sometimes cry while swiping my card, I remind myself that I am buying certain things to better my health and honor my body. This is seen as both a guilty/non-guilty pleasure for me.
Current drink: Iced coffee as always. It’s been Starbucks over Dunkin this month, though!
I don’t know why, but I’ve been hitting up Starbucks more than my usual Dunkin. I still love DDs iced coffees, but to me, Starbucks is a tad bit stronger, and I’ve needed the extra caffeine boost this month. Also, Starbucks atmosphere > Dunkin’s. I already have enough trouble concentrating as it is, so going to a place where several other people go to get sh*t done motivates me to do the same. My dear Dunkin, don’t forget about me!
Current food: Last night, my mom made dinner for me and three of my girlfriends. She started off with her go-to appetizer recipe: melted goat cheese, pesto, and tomato dip.
For the main course, she made shredded brussel sprouts & turkey sausage topped on tortellini. SO good!
Current confession: I have a test Saturday morning and haven’t started studying. Go me.
Current obsession: Tracking my steps on my FitBit!
Ever since I started class on the weekends, I’ve just been feeling so blah and tired. I can’t sit for that long and not moving as much as I usually do during the week, I was really curious to see what exactly I was doing when in class. I was still making at least 10,000 steps on class days, which surprised me and was very happy about! I wasn’t into the step trackers at first, but tt’s kept me motivated to keep moving.
Current need: This.
Preferably a human one though 😉
Current music: Walk the Moon
I saw them on Monday night with some friends and they are seriously so, so talented. They were 100x better live than on the radio. I definitely recommend seeing them live!
Current Excitement: Finally putting my bar cart to use!
Current Bane of my Existence: Dealing with getting my medical records transferred to my new doctor so I can start my clinicals. This has been an ongoing process since middle-September and it’s still no where near accomplished. Ugh.
Current mood/craving: Sleeeeeeeeeep. With no breaks on the weekends and rarely any down time, I am completely spent after work and class.
For you: Current confession, current drink, and current obsession. Go!
That dip your mom made looks insanely delicious!
My current drink: pumpkin coffee from WaWa…seriously the best and all sizes are only $1 this entire month!
Current obsession: taking walks in the amazing fall weather! Doesn’t get more beautiful than this.
Gwen @ Nutty G Fitness recently posted…Thursday Total Body Blast
AHHHH I love Wawa!
Sara! Welcome to the blogging world! I love your site and, since I am currently on a health and fitness kick, I will check back often! Maybe at the next family reunion you can host a yoga class?
Maria recently posted…Top 10 Jonathan Stories
As I was reading this, I was like “o ill comment on this! and this! and this! AND this!” So much good stuff in this post, but I’ll hold back and just create a small list 😉
1) Mama Nova’s cooking made my mouth salivate [MELTED GOAT CHEESE?!]
2) Current confession is sleeping until I absolutely have to get up. Need to be better, no bueno on rushing with primping
3) I need a planner and your Lilly pic reminded me of that!
4) Current drink is COFFEE
5) Current obsession is Roses by Chainsmokers. Nonstop.
PS: That wine bar is so much of heart emojis, I can burst
Sara, love your website! My current obsession is anything pumpkin! Trader Joe’s has everything you can think of…… pumpkin scones, pancakes, biscotti, the biscotti is ssooo good!
My confession – I kind of cheated at golf today ?
My current & long running drink obsession – Starbuck’s Chai Latte
I feel the same way about Starbucks vs dunkin. I usually just make my coffee at home,but Starbucks is definitely stronger and I prefer the atmosphere.
Lisa @ Running Out Of Wine recently posted…All Over The Place Life Updates
WOW can your mom come cook for me pretty please?!?! My guilty vice is Whole Foods too. I could spend HOURS there!