Thank goodness for Friday! While I feel like I can’t rejoice as loudly as I usually do considering I didn’t go into work for 2 days this week (boooo sickness), heck – I am still going to rejoice today. My mom comes in to town tomorrow morning and we have lots of yummy eats and
Birthday Recap + Friday Favorites!
Oh happy day, it’s finally Friday! What’s on the agenda for the weekend? All of my plans are tentative, but I hope to get in a few workouts, a dinner and night out, and some down time to work on the blog and my mess of an apartment! My birthday was on Wednesday, so this
Friday Favorites! 7/29
Happy Friday! I am especially excited since I am currently posted at the Charlotte airport heading to LAS VEGAS! It is my best friend, Vicki’s, bachelorette party and I. CANNOT. WAIT. It’s been 4 years since I was last in Vegas and over a year ago since I was out west AND I get
Friday Favorites!
Hi friends! I hope you all had a productive and happy week! I am just popping in quickly for the usual Friday Faves post before heading into work for a long, closing shift. This weekend, I have no other plans other than celebrating a friend’s birthday tonight, creating content and relaxing tomorrow, and a staff meeting
Friday Favorites: Link Love
Hiiiiiii Friday! Nice to see you! This weekend is supposed to be 98-99 here in Charlotte, so I think I am going to try and get up and outside in the mornings and save the rest of the day for work indoors. Is that lame of me to say? I have plans to binge watch