Well hey there! I’m back! I am writing this post as I sit here with a glass of wine in hand, a mask on my face, and Netflix playing in the background. Life has been pretty sweet lately and I am so thankful for that. It’s been a whirlwind, but a lovely one, and it’s
Tuesday Tangents: moving, promotion, skincare
**tap tap** is this thing on? As I sit here in bed with Winston and my coffee, I feel like I can finally take a cleansing exhale. The dust has finally settled from the whirlwind of the past few weeks, and little by little I’m feeling more in tune with my schedule and all of
A new blogging goal & life update!
Hi friends! I had the urge tonight to open up the laptop and write a post, so I am sensing an end to this miserable writer’s block. FINALLY. I’ve really been itching to write but I’ve almost paralyzed or frozen from actually typing the words out and making coherent sentences. It’s been the worst, but I’ve been going
I’m Back! {One Big Recap & Photo Dump}
Well, well… it has been quite a while since I’ve posted here. Remember me?! It has been a long, blogging/technology-in-general hiatus, but honestly, it was needed. I took a complete break from all things computer-related. Ever since Thanksgiving, I don’t think I had turned on my computer unless it was to pay bills…and to read my