Hi friends! Remember my weekly workouts & eats posts? Yeah, barely. To be honest, January is the exact opposite of when I am motivated. I mean, I am generally motivated all the time to continue my healthy lifestyle, but it’s something about January being the time where you are supposed to eat healthy and supposed to
Weekly Workouts and Recent Eats 6/30
Welp, another Monday is here and it’s that time to go over last week’s eats and workouts! I do this to keep myself accountable, and I also enjoy reading what other people are eating and how they are moving. Honestly, I eat the same meal a few times a week just because when cooking for
4th of July Weekend Adventures
Wooooo, boy. I am SLEEPY today. Thankfully, I was not nursing a hangover today as many of my fellow Americans were doing. There’s something SO great about not waking up feeling terrible from last night’s choices. Though lack of sleep during this 3-day weekend has led me to stay in bed pretty much all day snuggling
Weekend in Wilmington + Weekly Workouts 6/1
A weekend recap on a Wednesday. Better late than never…right?? I spent the weekend in Wrightsville Beach, NC but technically stayed in Wilmington. My friend’s apartment was just across the bridge from Wrightsville in Wilmington, which made driving back and forth from the beach super easy. Friday I had to be at work at 6:30am,